
Hainanese Beef Noodle (Dry Version) 牛肉粉干

I am aware that there are two types of beef noodle in Singapore -the gooey Hainanese version and the soupy Teochew version. I hereby introduce the Hainanese version. A thick rice vermicelli smothered with sweet aromatic gravy (flavored from hints of star anise, cinnamon, cloves) thickened with some sort of starch topped with slowly braised shin, tendon, tripe, brisket as well as bouncy beef balls and flash heated beef slices. The accompaniment of chilli paste, cincalok and lime juice gives the dish another dimension, namely the dish is, in my opinion, incomplete without it -complicated flavors and saltiness from fermented shrimp (cincalok), lime juice complements the slightly sweet gravy and richness of the beefy goodness and the chilli gives the needed kick here and there.
ローミー(Lor Mee)のようにドロドロで、麺は通常チョービーフンと決まっている(太めのビーフン)が、好みでクエイティオウ(米で出来たきしめん)もオーダー可能だ。この太いビーフンを八角等がきいたドロッドロのソースにからませ て食べる。旨い。ちなみに麺を抜いてライスを頼んでもいいのだ。これがまたご飯のおかずに合う合う。単品の麺屋でライスを一緒に提供するお店をビーフヌードル屋以外で見た事がない(ラクサの具も実はライスのおかずにして食べると旨い、が、お店にライスがない。今度、茶碗にライスを入れて行きつけのラクサ屋に乗り込もうか?)。そしてこのこってりした甘く味の付いたビーフの部位の味をまとめるのが、酸味のきいたライム(カラマンシーライム)と発酵した網エビ(チンチャロ)の入った辛いチリソースである。チンチャロの旨味と臭みがソースといいハーモニーをかもし出す。よくチンチャロは豚料理と合わせるのだが(韓国と良く似ている)、牛にもよく合う事が証明された。刻んだキャムチャイ(からし菜の漬物)とセロリの葉がいいアクセントになっている。ちなみに(下写真)白い部分がチンチャロだ。細かくピューレ状態になっているが、そのまんまの場合もある(お店によって異なる)。Interestingly, at Beef Noodle stall, you can also opt for having mixed beef soup with rice or at times, you see someone eating the beef noodle and rice together! Coming from Japan this was a familiar sight -eating noodle and rice together. I've always thought that certain noodle dish would go well with plain rice (or even rice from chicken rice!). In Japan, we eat ramen and rice together all the time. Some places even give you free flow of Japanese pickles. How to eat ramen and rice together? Have a bite of char siew and eat rice, or have a sip of aromatic broth and chase it after with rice.. then have some pickles.....hmmmm. So, although I stay away from doing it in Singapore, I am very curious in trying laksa, bak chor mee, prawn mee, etc with rice -noodle dishes that have substantial garnish. Who knows, maybe I'll visit noodle stalls with a bowl of plain rice next time.... Laksa, rice and acar... should work.

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