Which came first, epok epok or curry puff? In order to find the true facts, I need to go to great lengths to find the information. I do utilize the National Library but most of the time, my questions aren't answered but I end up with more questions (which is a
good thing). Someone has to publish a book on "Historical Dictionary of Singapore Food." Perhaps Makansutra could do something about it, if they want to boost the dying hawker culture -preservation based on true facts are necessary and they will form as a foundation of true food culture. So, I had the epok epok which is basically, stuffed deep fried dough like the samosa of India. Geylang Serai temporary market (wet market for the malays) has a lot of stalls that sells epok epok and curry puff. I purchased the one which Makansutra recommended since I do not have any information whatsoever on epok epok -786 Merpati Puti (which could be translated as white pigeon -good luck?)I ordered the one with canned tomato sardine (pics below) and boiled eggs. The dough is nice and crisp and the stuffing, you can't go wrong. It sort of resembles a Sicilian dish if you add some fennel seeds or chopped fennel or even olives and capers. Actaully, this epok epok is so versatile you could basically put anything in it so long as the outside is nice and crisp. Just a thought: lots of malay term repeat itself don't they? Like epok epok, otah otah and onde onde. Can't these dishes be simply called epok, otah or onde? I find it very interesting.
2 件のコメント:
i have been to malaysia for one month when i was high school student.
i beacome to want to go there again and eat many malaysian food,beacse i watch your blog,i want to go singapore also....:)
Hello nozomi.n. Yes, food takes us everywhere because we eat to live.