
Ngo Hiang (五香)

Ngo Hiang written in Chinese character as "Five Spice -Wu Xiang" is a Hokkien dish of fried pork rolls wrapped in bean curd skin (tau kee). It is named as such because of the use of Chinese five spices in the meat mixture. Into the minced pork, I added few crab meats and chopped dried prawns which elevate the flavor of the force meat, indeed. In classic western cooking (esp. French cuisine) it's quite rare to add seafood to a pork dish (nowadays you have roasted monk fish wrapped in pancetta etc.) but the outcome is absolutely stunning -adding pork products like chopped pancetta into crab cakes should really work, I think -and even chopped pork fat into seafood pasta dishes. After preparing the force meat, all you need is to wrap it with tau kee and seal the end with cornstarch water. Then, steam the ngo hiang for about 12 minutes, let it rest for a while and then fry it in oil until crisp. The end result: a morsel that is crisp on the outside and juicy in the inside -wow this is a great snack. I ate this with some chinese plum sauce (like a syrup sauce) on the side. Hey who could resist pork and some sweet sauce (like pork chop with honey-mustard). The bottom photos are the local Ngo Hiang which I ate at Maxwell Food Centre -came with a zesty chilli dip.

ゴーヒアン(福建料理)はシンガポールやペナンではポピュラーなスナックだ。豚のミンチと魚介類(エビ・カニ等)を足して、少し多めに五香粉(ウーシャン)を使用し、湯葉(タウキー、豆枝、Tau Kee)で巻く。一度、蒸してから、油でカラッと仕上げる。ウーシャンを使用しているので、この料理はゴーヒアンという(福建でウーシャンの意)。今回の実験で感じたが、この豚のミンチとカニ肉が特に素晴らしい味のハーモニーをかもし出しているという事だ(シュウマイや小龍包では当然なのが・・・)。春巻と違った湯葉のサクサク感がいい。ちなみに、写真下2枚はシンガポールの実際のホーカーセンターで食べたゴーヒアンだ。酸味の効いたチリソースが付いてくる。

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