シンガポールのウォール街である、CBD(セントラルビジネスディストリクトの略)のど真中にポツンとある歴史あるヴィクトリア様式の建築物ラオパサッ。観光客も一度は訪れるはずだ。ここは昼になると多くのビジネスマン・ビジネスウーマンが利用する大型のフードセンターである。ラオパサッとして知られているこのマーケットは本来は、Telok Ayer Marketと呼ばれていた。1989年に立て直された時点で名前がラオパサッに(Lau=は福建で老=Old パサッ=マレー語のPasar=Market)。1995年にはフードコートの大手であるKopi Tiam社がラオパサの営業権を手にする(24年リース)。特にここにある何がおいしいという訳ではないので、私はあまりよく利用しないが、夜にもなるとサテー屋のホーカー出店で賑わう。
Humble Japanese, trying to de-mystify Singapore cuisine and food culture. This is not a restaurant / stall rating blog.
Using the Right Tools シンガポールホーカーの食器類
Disposable utensils at hawker centres should be banned. Of course there are environmental reasons behind this but for me, the primary reason is: paper thin plastic Chinese style soup spoon does not have the right texture when you sip a soup out of it (just one example -I also don't like styrefoam bowls and plates). You get a very good soup like fish soup and or laksa and simply bastardize it with an improper utensil. The non-disposable plastic one is sufficient but the disposable kind is simply not acceptable. So, from now on, I will carry my own soup spoon for a better dining experience. The expeience is as bad as drinking a good Burgundy Pinot with a styrefoam cup. Say "no" to disposable utensils. The utensil's texture plays an important role in tasting food and this is the fundamental rule for good food. On a different note, I had my condiment saucer (soy sauce and chilli padi) flown pathetically by an electric fan at a hawker center because it was made from disposable plastic. I got a new soy sauce with chilli padi and had to move to a safer location where the fan was not strong.
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