Humble Japanese, trying to de-mystify Singapore cuisine and food culture. This is not a restaurant / stall rating blog.
Vegetarian Nasi Briyani
Penang: Retro Culinaria
Nasi Briyani (not Dum) Home Made One
Yong Tau Fu @ The Hakka Yong Tau Fu Home Recipe Stall
シンガポールの西側、ブオナ・ビスタ(Buona Vista)MRT駅の近くにGhim Moh (ギン・モー)Road Market & Cooked Food Centreがある。ここは、周辺の住民が利用する活気のあるフードセンターでそのなかでも客家(Hakka)料理の代表である、ヤンタウフー又はヤントーフー(醸豆腐)の有名店がある。ヤントーフーのヤンは詰めるという意味だそうだ。魚や豚肉などの練り物を詰めるという事だが、実際いろいろなものに練り物を詰める(オクラ、ニガ瓜、茄子、青唐辛子などそのほか、おでんのようなさつま揚げ・肉団子やはんぺんのような単品もある)。ちなみに、私が実験して作ったヤントーフーもこの店のスタイルを真似してみた。ヤントーフーは日本のおでんに近いものがある。様々な具をチョイスし、揚げてもらい、あっさりとしたチキンスープに入れてライスと一緒に食べるデリケートな料理。ずば抜けた個性はないが、あまり重たいものが食べたくない時はヤントーフーに限る。ここのチリソースは海鮮醤とチリソースのハーフ&ハーフでチリソースに独特のコクをプラスしてくれる。マレーシアにも同じ料理があるが、タイでは、赤みがかったスープが何故か特徴だ(Yen Tao Fo)。ちなみに、人口の77%にもなるシンガポールチャイニーズの客家チャイニーズの人口は7%程で福建・潮州と比べて低い。あのリー・クアン・ユーも実はシンガポール客家人だ。
Kiam Chye Ark 咸菜鴨湯
Teochew Braised Duck (Lor Ark) 潮州鹵鴨
Teochew Duck sans Gravy 潮州鹵鴨
KL Style Hokkien Mee Home Made One
Yong Tau Foo 醸豆腐
I've tasted many variations of Yong Tau Foo before so I decided to replicate the one I ate at Ghim Moh Road Market and Cooked Food Centre, The Hakka Yong Tau Foo Home Recipe Stall. The soup there was nice and flavorful with fried garlic and chopped cilantro. The chilli sauce was a mixture of hoisin sauce and regurlar chilli sauce. This is a great comfort food very similar to Japanese "oden" where vegetables, tofu, fish pastes are simmered in dashi broth. Yong Tau Foo is also great to prepare with kids, stuffing fish pastes in all kinds of vegetables. I'd do the same when my kid gets older....
Mee Siam Kering
I was browsing thru this lovely Malaysian regional cooking book: "Rasa Malaysia" by Betty Saw and a dish called mee siam kering caught my eye. Aparantely, it is a Johor dish. As opposed to mee siam -a noodle with sweet-sour gravy, mee siam kering is fried bee hoon. Maybe that is the reason why it is called "kering" -it should mean "dry" in Malay? This assumption needs confirmation. Mee siam kering is fried bee hoon with beef, shrimp, bean sprouts, choy sum, and lot's of onions, garnished with lime wedge and sliced chillies. Flavor is like fried rice, except it's bee hoon. I guess I need to try the original mee siam kering at Johor one of these days.
Banana Leaf Wrapped Fish
I had a stack-full of banana leaf in the freezer so I decided to experiment with banana leaf for a while. This time, I simply wrapped a whole fish and sprinkled some chopped garlic and ginger with sliced green chillies, chopped cilantro, s&p, chilli powder lime slices and butter. Threw it in the oven for mere 15min. and voila! -a sumptuous, Indian style banana leaf wrapped dish -a very eye-catching and summery -serve with fresh tomato chutney
New Year's Dish -Yusheng 魚生
Yusheng, a sashimi salad, is a well-known dish (apparantely Singapore Teochew dish in origin), eaten during the lunar New Year. Written in Chinese character Yu="fish" and Sheng="raw". Well, it's not even New Year yet but who cares. Fresh ikan parang, aka. wolf herring, is used but nowadays, salmon and white flesh fish are also common. Yusheng is garnished with julienned carrots, daikon and ginger with pomelo (pomelo is symbolic food, serves as a good luck during lunar New Year), chopped Chinese celery, red chillies, cracked peanuts and crackers made from flour like fortune cookies. The dressing is made from plum sauce, sugar, lime juice, Chinese 5 spices and some oil -a tangy sweet sauce. This dish is eaten with chpsticks (of course) and the point is to toss them as high as possible so that luck and prosperity will rise (aka "lo hei"). Writer Sylvia Tan in her incredible "Singapore Heritage Food" Landmark Books Pte Ltd 2004, pg.65 describes yusheng as "a Singapore invention" and now "there are even Japanese and Thai versions" of yusheng. Yet, I wonder who invented this dish in the first place?
Mee Siam Home Made One
Mee Siamについて色々語ってきたのだが、今回は海南鶏飯食堂・恵比寿店の料理長・大久保と実際に試作してみた。拘ったポイントはビーフン・グレービー(ソース)・エビ・ゆで卵である。まずはビーフン、グレービーが少し汁っぽいので、極細よりもっと麺がソースに絡む太めのビーフンを使用した。ソースの味は日本でいう味噌ラーメンと坦坦麺の間のようなコクのあるソースをタマリンドジュースの酸味ですっきりさせた。ほのかな干エビの香ばしさが印象的だ。エビはゆで過ぎずメディアム状態で仕上げた。ゆで卵も同じく、ゆで過ぎず、黄身の中心がトロっとした状態をキープ(湯で時間6分)。現地のエビや卵はいつも、茹で過ぎと感じていた為、トッピングの仕上がりには拘ってみた。付け合せのサンバルコレン(Sambal Goreng)も自家製だ。ほんのり甘辛いサンバルはタマリンドの入ったソースと良く会う。これだったら、売り物になるかな・・・
Since I've been blogging couple of times about this Singapore's famous beehoon noodle dish -Mee Siam which I really don't care too much but was curious to bring this dish up a few notch, I decided to make it on my own. Stalls at Food Centre tend to over-boil the prawns and the eggs, so I cooked them just right, namely, prawns were of medium doneness and boiled eggs were boiled for precisely 6 minutes then shocked in ice water giving yolk a creamier texture. The gravy should have a nice balance of saltiness from taucheo (miso-like sauce), good acidity from the tamarind and robustness from sauteed dried shrimp. I have used slightly thicker beehoon noodles because I believe it absorbs gravy better than the thinner type of beehoon noodles. Homemade Sambal Goreng (pic top) adds a sweet-spicy touch to the dish.