Mee Siam is yet another dish which I cannot force myself to crave, just like mee rebus, unfortunately. In order to appreciate this dish, perhaps I need to understand the oomph factor. But I have given up on eating this dish after some third try, so I probably need to try the best of the best mee siam there is in Singapore. I understand that there are Chinese, Peranakan, and Indian style mee siam, and from what I know, Indian style which is on the sweeter side, is not my taste. If the Peranakan one is lemak like laksa, then there are possibility that it would spark some interest.
Humble Japanese, trying to de-mystify Singapore cuisine and food culture. This is not a restaurant / stall rating blog.
Mee Siam 米暹: 味の良さがわからないSG料理 Part2: What makes this dish so darn good?
Mee Siam is yet another dish which I cannot force myself to crave, just like mee rebus, unfortunately. In order to appreciate this dish, perhaps I need to understand the oomph factor. But I have given up on eating this dish after some third try, so I probably need to try the best of the best mee siam there is in Singapore. I understand that there are Chinese, Peranakan, and Indian style mee siam, and from what I know, Indian style which is on the sweeter side, is not my taste. If the Peranakan one is lemak like laksa, then there are possibility that it would spark some interest.
Sambal Sotong
I made sambal sotong (squid fried with sambal chilli sauce) the other day, a very unassuming dish and therefore in order to do this dish some justice, one needs to concentrate on simple fresh ingredients and try to achieve bold flavors. What are the basic components of this dish that makes sambal sotong so special? Foremost, you need the flavor of the squid dominating this dish -that neutral seafood flavor with a hint of clam-like sweetness (well they evolved from bi-valves didn't they?), encapsulating this delicate flavor is the right amount of sambal -fiery and yet sweet -mind as well make the sambal sauce with char-roasted chilli peppers for an additional smokey flavor.
Ayam Tempra
Dished up ayam tempra the other day. Wok fried chicken with soy sauce and lime juice with chillies. This reminds me of adobo and was curious, why it is called tempra. What does tempra mean? Does it have any correlation with the Portuguese, since this is Nonya dish/Eurasian? Why do I ask such question? Japanese cuisine "tempura" is said to be of Portuguese ancestory coming from the word "tempera" meaning temper. Deep fried food were never a quintessential Japanese cuisine, it was brought by the Portuguese together with Christianity, Chillies, etc.
Bak Chang @ Yan Seng
Mee Rebus: 味の良さがわからないSG料理 Part1: What makes this dish so darn good?
私はシンガポール(SG)料理が大好きだ。しかし、全ての品目が旨いとは思っていない。ローカルの人が絶賛していても、時に、私には理解不能なものがある。食べ物は嗜好品な訳だから、当然といえば当然。しかし、料理に関していえば仕事上、出来るだけ客観的に味わう事にしている。どうして、この料理・逸品が旨いとされているのか?そのロジックを考えるようにしている。直感的に旨いと感じる主観的な感覚とは全く逆に考えるようにしている。例えば、5年前はその味の良さがわからなかったものも、今では本当に好きになっている料理も少なくない。何度もシンガポールへ訪れる度に、その料理に再チャレンジし、諦めずに舌&脳がその料理を魂から受け入れて、ソウルフード(soul food)と実感出来るようにと常に頑張っています。この「味の良さがわからないSG料理」はシリーズ化いたします。
その料理の一つがミーレブス(mee rebus / 马来卤面)。マレー語で直訳すると、mee=麺・rebus=茹でるすなわち、茹でた麺という事になる。このミーレブス、どのような料理かというと、茹でた卵麺を甘いダークソイソース・タマリンド・マッシュしたサツマイモで作ったクレービーと和えて、ゆで卵・グリーンチリ・小さく切った厚揚豆腐をトッピングした、すごくシンプルな料理である。甘ったるいので、ライムを搾って食べる。確かに、文章の説明からするとどうもぼやけた料理という印象を受けるが、ミーレブスはシンガポール観光局(STB)が旅行者向けに発行しているマカン・デライト(Makan Delights)のリストに掲載されている。すなわち、れっきとした、数多くあるシンガポール料理の中の代表と言える逸品なのである。ちなみに、この料理はマレー系だが、チャイニーズの影響も受けている‐卵麺・ソイソース・厚揚。さて、このシンプルな料理の良さについて考えてみたい。そもそも、シンプルが基本の和に通ずるものがあるかもしれない。例えば、もり蕎麦や掛蕎麦はシンプルの極みだがその旨さについて語れば、きりが無い。ミーレブスにもそれがあるかもしれない。地元の人がどのように絶賛をしているのか、ネットで調べてみたが、残念ながらピンポイントで「旨そうだな」というサイトは無い。しかし、ちょっとよさそうな表現をするサイトを発見した(aroma cookery)→「ミーレブスの旨さはそのグレービーにある。色んな食材が実は使われている:ガランガル(galangal / カー)・エシャロット・にんにく・赤唐辛子・ターメリック・ブラチャン。そして、そのペーストをじっくり鍋で煮込み、牛骨スープとエビガラの出しで伸ばし、サツマイモのピューレを混ぜ込む。」
なるほど、これは旨そうなグレービーだ。この基本を大事に、もっと旨いミーレブスが出来るのではないか、今度試作品にチャレンジしたいと思う。To be continued....
I must confess, Singaporean food is my soul food (outside Japanese food that is), but some of the dishes are not as lip-smacking as chicken rice, bak kut teh, hokkien mee, etc. I guess in order to appreciate these kinds of (I call them) secondary flavourful dishes (as opposed to chicken rice, satay, etc.), one needs to understand the true standards of these dishes. Of course this takes time and one such dish is: mee rebus -a Malay dish with Chinese influence. What is the standard of a perfect mee rebus? Now, the dish is composed of perfectly blanched egg noodles with gravy made from sweet potato and mire poix, topped with boiled egg, fried shallots, chopped green chillies, brunoise of deep fried tofu (tau pok), garnished with kalamansi lime to cut the sweetness of the gravy. What makes this dish to die for? Die die must try how? First of all, and I don't think I am alone in this, it is overly sweet and you need more acid to cut that sweetness. Therefore, first bite is usually semi-satisfying but as you go on, you get tired of that sweet and bland taste. But I wonder why this is. I absolutely adore sukiyaki but sukiyaki is sweet too. Let me think... I guess the wagyu beef's fatty richness goes very well with the sweetness of warishita (sukiyaki sauce), just like sauteed foie gras with figs and port wine reduction, or just like Hokkienese braised pork belly's (紅焼扣肉) fatty richness is complemented with sweet dark soy sauce braise. In mee rebus' case, the sweetness of the gravy is prevalent but the richness doesn't seem to take play. The garnishes are very basic, and you don't know what the key garnish, namely what is the main garnish? HKM and BCM have much clearer focus in terms of garnish. Someone, please tell me the true standards of mee rebus.
A Study in Hokkien Mee
シンガポール名物のホッケンミー(Hokkien Mee / 炒福建虾面)。正式名はフライドホッケンプローンミーだが、ホッケンミー(通称・HKM)を注文すれば、ヤキソバが出てくる(同じく、ホッケンミー屋といえば、ヤキソバ屋の事だ)。皆、ローカルのシンガポール人の大好物はチキンライスと思いがちだが、じつはホッケンミーもシンガポリアンが一番好きな料理の一つ。しかし、ホッケンミー程、バリエーションの多い料理はないのではないか?と思うくらい、バリエーションが豊富。シンガポールの屋台スタンダード、先ほど説明したホッケンミーが写真一番上(いわゆる定番のホッケンミーだ)。 しかし、となりのマレーシア・クアラルンプール(KL)でホッケンミーというと、2番目の写真が定番だ。少しうどんのような麺でダークソイソース(濃口醤油)をアクセントにした、ほんのり甘くこってりした麺。マレーシア・ペナンでホッケンミーというとシンガポールでいう、プローンミー(虾面)が出てくる(写真3番目)。シンガポール福建料理専門店、Amoy St. にあるベン・ヒアン(Beng Hiang)とTelok Ayer St.にあるビー・ヒオン・パレス(Bee Heong Palace)でホッケンミーを注文すると、タリアテーレのような平麺が出てくる。5枚の写真は全て、ホッケンミーだが、見た目も味も異なり、まったく別物の料理である。これだけのバリエーションがあれば、本格的(本場の)ホッケンミーとはなにか? の質問に対して、具体的に答えられないのが現状だ。
Hokkien Mee (aka HKM) is without a doubt one of the most popular dishes in Singapore. Chicken rice of course is the other favorite but wherever you go - hawker center, coffee shop, or restaurant, even Singapore or Malaysia, if you order chicken rice, you basically get what you'd imagine chicken rice to be -chicken, aromatic rice and sauces. Hokkien mee is quite different. Pics from top: standard hawker HKM, KL's famous HKM @Jln Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Penang Hokkien Prawn Mee near the wet market, HKM @ Beng Hiang, HKM @ Bee Heong Palace. I am not necessarily implying that restaurant type is superior and vice versa, but if you expect the hawker-type HKM at Hokkien restaurants in Singapore, you'd definitely be taken by surprise. Hence, I end this with an ultimate metaphysical(?) question: what is authenticity? Authentic HKM needs what? Well, Penang HKM is merely semantics and KL HKM has there own stuff going but at least, HKM in Singapore needs much clearer definition -by whom? I have no idea. I guess, you need something like AOC in France where the government decides certain standards for certain products. Since in Singapore, the rise of foodcourts are damaging the existence of foodcenter Mom& Pop's stalls, you need something like AOC (France), DOC(Italy), DO (Spain). Am I asking too much?
Curry Mee @ Ah Heng Curry Chicken Bee Hoon Mee
またしてもホンリムコンプレックス。ここはカレーミー(curry mee / 咖喱雞米粉麺)の激戦地である。その中でもトップ2に入るのが、1階にあるヘン・キー(Heng Kee/興記)、そして2階にあるのがアー・ヘン(Ah Heng / 亞王)。もともとカレーミーはマレーシア(場所によって極太ビーフンが入り、カレーラクサとも呼ばれいている)の方がポピュラーな料理だと思うのだが、シンガポールでカレーミーというば、この2件。ヘン・キーは以前、シンガポール在住時代にいった事はあるのだが、ア・ヘンは初めてだ。ココナッツとチキンベースのやさしく、ほんのり甘いスープにビーフン又は卵麺を選び、茹でた鶏をトッピング。カレーミーは基本的に辛くはないのでドライチリソースをアクセントにして頂く。お店には2006年12月6日の朝日新聞で「行列の耐えない屋台村」の記事が張ってあった(こういうのはあまり好きではない・何をアピールしたいんだ・・・)。
Had curry mee at Ah Heng in Hong Lim Complex for the first time. As all the foodie in Singapore may know, Heng Kee is also famous, but is Curry Mee heavily Singaporean? I have a preconception that it's more Malaysian (Ah Heng dude is aparently Malaysian) than Singaporean. Anyways, in Singapore you have the all mighty laksa so, I guess curry mee is secondary...(curry mee fanatics out there, I am sorry).
Nasi Padang @ Warong Nasi Pariaman
I recently found out through Singpore National Library's archive, Infopedia, that Warong Nasi Pariaman is the oldest running nasi padang place in Singapore (est. 1948). That is 60 years of hard work and still going strong. At the same time, I discovered that Pariaman is a city north of Padang. Anyhow, the food here was great -pics from top: deep fried fish with sambal oelek, ikan bilis with peanuts & acar, grilled ikan selar kuning with chopped veggies/sweet soy sauce dressing and grilled chicken with rich coconut sauce (ayam bakar).
Fish Head Curry @ Samy's

Seafood @ No Signboard
Nasi Briyani @ Allauddin's Tekka Centre
There is always a long queue at Allauddin's during lunch time. Yet, I equally enjoy nasi briyani's(黃薑飯) at Tekka Centre, doesn't really have to be Allauddin's. Besides I don't dig that styrofoam plates and bowls, mind as well eat on a bangkus (takeaway) paper -feels more organic. Nasi Briyani is quite different from Hyderabad dum briyani although nowadays, if you walk along Little India there are numerous joints that boasts the authentic dum briyani. Authentic briyani is served, correct me if I am wrong, with raita (yogurt & cucumber relish) and mirchi ka salan (green chilli gravy). Yet, when you have nasi briyani, they come with dalcha and achar (not the indian type but the local one). I think they are completely different stuff, but they are both tasty in their own way. At least, basmati rice is something they have in common.
Or Luak @ Hup Kee
Stout and oyster omelette(蚝煎aka or luak) is like wine and cheese, who could ask for more. I personally prefer oyster omelette with a crispy batter -Hokkien style isit? The one I had at Beng Hiang @ Amoy street was incredibly crispy and nice. I understand Hup Kee is Teochew -sauce tastes Teochew-ish. Opeh leaf adds a nostalgic touch I suppose. Egg and Oyster is such a great combo, together with lard -wow, it's a winner.
Roti John @ Shukor Stall
Roti John's (印度漢堡) story is so famous, I believe it is a tale told by all Singaporeans. Having original Roti John at Shukor Stall in Serangoon Garden Market was a historical moment indeed. The taste really was not an issue, I had goosebumps.
A Study in Chee Pow Kai 鸡包纸
Mee Goreng @ Old Satay Club


Interesting (at least to a foreigner like myself) that Mee Goreng's noodles are cut up into small pieces so that one would be able to eat with fork and spoon (at least Italians never thought about this). This mee goreng is from Glutton's Bay and it was okay. I simply do not know how to set a standard for an excellent mee goreng. Wok Hei, yes but what else? I'd love to have more mutton flavor and shredded cabbage for texture. And who does really appreciate the existence of that diluted chilli sauce with cucumber that comes with the dish?
Beef Noodles @ Golden Mile
Few years ago, I discovered that there are two types of beef noodles (牛肉粉)with respect to ethnic backgrounds -Hokkien Style which uses Chor Beehoon (page top Kheng Fatt Beef Noodle) and Hainan Style which uses Kway Teow(mid page Lim Kee Beef Noodle) with gooey sauce. Of course, this is like comparing apples and oranges but Hainan style is something I crave for and that cincaluk (fermented shrimp) sauce just brings it up a notch!
Chilli Mee @ Chun Cheng 辣椒面
What category does Chilli Mee fit into? Prawn mee dry type? When I had this dish at Chun Cheng, Golden Mile Food Centre, I simply thought this noodle was prawn mee with chilli sauce in it. Is it a category on its own or should it be classified as prawn mee? Makansutra categorizes them separately. I don't think there are dramatic differences.
Black Pepper Crab @ Sin Huat
